What is AES?

The Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium (AES) serves as an international multidisciplinary forum for deliberations on recent advances and developments  in the entire broad field of electromagnetics. Included in this wide-ranging subject, pertinent to both researchers and industry professionals, are all aspects of electromagnetics, and all frequency ranges from static to optics. Of special interest are:

  1. Electromagnetic Theory
  2. Antenna and Propagation
  3. Microwave and Millimeter Circuits and Systems
  4. Electromagnetic Compatibility
  5. Computational Electromagnetics
  6. Optimization Techniques
  7. Coupled Field Problems
  8. RF and Wireless Communication
  9. Optics and Photonics
  10. Light Harvesting (photovoltaics and solar cells)
  11. Remote Sensing, Inverse Problems, Imaging Radar
  12. EM and Nanophotonic Materials (metamaterials, plasmonics, etc)
  13. Electroactive and Magnetoactive Materials
  14. Bioeffects of EM fields, Biological Media, Medical electromagnetics
  15. Measurement Techniques
  16. Educational Electromagnetics

Additionally, through its unique from-Conference-to-Journal-Publication concept, AES offers a rare opportunity for authors to submit papers to Advanced Electromagnetic (AEM) journal and then be considered for journal publication.

The symposium program typically features an excursion program and a banquet.

Following a now well-established tradition AES takes place in unique locations around the world.

Past AES Symposia




2016 Enrique Márquez Segura, Eva Rajo-Iglesias, Said Zouhdi Torremolinos (Malaga), Spain
2014 Lingling Sun, Ke Wu, Said Zouhdi Hangzhou, China
2013 Hamid M. K. Al-Naimiy, Said Zouhdi Sharjah-Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2012 Xavier Begaud, Said Zouhdi
Paris, France









