Abstract preparation
All presenters (including invited speakers) must submit a 1-2 page. The Abstract should be in MS Word format (doc) or in Adobe Portable Document format (pdf). Please use the conference templates to prepare your abstract.
- Do Not Include headers, footers or page numbers.
- Do Not Use Symbols, Special Characters, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract.
- Please note that no additional content editing will be performed after submission has been completed.
Paper Format
- For authors who choose to use Microsoft Word, a template can be downloaded here.
- For preparing the paper using LaTEX, a template can be downloaded here.
- It is advised to start writing your paper by entering the text into the template, to make sure that all formatting is correct.
- The information on page layout and formatting can be found in the templates.
Abstract Submission
Please use one of the options below to submit your abstract:
- Option 1: Upload your paper using our online form. This option is highly recommanded.
- Option 2: Send you paper as an email attachment to the conference secretary:
contact@mysymposia.org. Please indicate in your email under which topic or special session your submission shall be presented.
Start here to submit a paper to this conference:
Step one of the submission process