Call for Papers

AES 2018, the 6th Advanced Electromagnetics Symposium will serve as an international multidisciplinary forum for deliberations on recent advances and developments in the entire broad field of electromagnetics, antennas and progpagation. Included in this wide-ranging subject, pertinent to both researchers and industry professionals, are all aspects of electromagnetism, and all frequency ranges.

AES 2018 topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. Electromagnetic Theory
  2. Array, Conformal, Planar, Multiband, Wideband, Wire and Wearable Antennas
  3. Propagation Theory
  4. Propagation Modelling and Simulation
  5. Indoor, Urban, Satellite, UWB, Ionospheric and Tropospheric Propagation
  6. RF and Wireless Communication
  7. Microwave and Millimeter Circuits and Systems
  8. Scattering, diffraction and RCS
  9. Electromagnetic Compatibility
  10. Computational Electromagnetics
  11. Optimization Techniques
  12. Coupled Field Problems
  13. Optics and Photonics
  14. Light Harvesting (photovoltaics and solar cells)
  15. Remote Sensing, Inverse Problems, Imaging Radar
  16. Electromagnetic and Photonic Materials
  17. Electroactive and Magnetoactive Materials
  18. Bioeffects of EM fields, Biological Media, Medical electromagnetics
  19. Techniques and tools for RF material characterisation
  20. EMI/EMC/PIM, Chambers, Instrumentation and Measurements
  21. Educational Electromagnetics



Abstract preparation

All presenters (including invited speakers) must submit a 1-2 page. The Abstract should be in MS Word format (doc) or in Adobe Portable Document format (pdf). Please use the conference templates to prepare your abstract.

  • Do Not Include headers, footers or page numbers.
  • Do Not Use Symbols, Special Characters, or Math in Paper Title or Abstract.
  • Please note that no additional content editing will be performed after submission has been completed.

Paper Format

  • For authors who choose to use Microsoft Word, a template can be downloaded here.
  • For preparing the paper using LaTEX, a template can be downloaded here.
  • It is advised to start writing your paper by entering the text into the template, to make sure that all formatting is correct.
  • The information on page layout and formatting can be found in the templates.

Abstract Submission

Please use one of the options below to submit your abstract:

  • Option 1: Upload your paper using our online form. This option is highly recommanded.

Start here to submit a paper to this conference:

Step one of the submission process