We anticipate that the event will be an exceptional venue to communicate your products, capabilities and services to potential new customers and to solidify relationships with existing and older customers.
Sponsors & Exhibitors at AES 2018 will be able to:
- Build and reinforce name/brand recognition of their organization and products among a big number of research engineers, scientists and professionals in related industries.
- Promote their latest advances and discoveries.
- Demonstrate their support for the electromagnetic research community.
- AES 2018 will be held in conjunction with META'18, you will reach the attendance of both events (1000+ participants).
There are various ways in which your company can get involved, which not only benefits the AES symposium, but will also give your company exposure to International research communities dealing with electromagnetics and photonics.
The organizers offer a large spectrum of sponsorship and associated benefits:
The exhibition/sponsor possibilities are listed on META 2018 website (to be held in parallel with AES): META2018
Our Supporter Program is flexible and open to alternative suggestions for participation. If you have any questions about AES 2018 or ways in which your company can get involved, please feel free to contact us at contact@mysymposia.org.